Wednesday Rites of Reverence to Mercury


أوْرَادُ تـَقـْدِيس ِ يَوم الارْبعَاء لِعَطار ِد



لـَكَ التـَقـْدِيرُ وَ الثـَّنَاء

وَ عَلـَيْكَ سَلامُ اللهِ

أيُّها السَّيِّدُ الكـَبـِيرُ الفـَاضِلُ

اﻷبُ الكـَر ِيمُ

فـَوران سِبـِهر


العالِمُ العامِلُ

الفـاضِلُ النـَّاطِق ُ الصُّدُوق

حَبْر السَّمَوات

الخـَبِيرُ باحوال ِ العَالـَم

صاحِب الغَرائِبِ

مُتـْقِنُ الاسْرار ِ وَ العَجَائِبِ

خَاز ِنُ العُلوم ِ الدَّقِيقـَة َ


مَلـْقىَ الذ ِّكْر ِ المُتـَبَاعَدِ

لِسَادَةِ الكـَواكِب ِ فِي طِباعِهم

فـَيَّاضُ الذَّكاء ِ وَ الدَّهاء وَ التحقيق

المُطيعُ لِمُبْدِعِهِ

المُتَحَرِّكُ بـِحَرَكَةِ فـَلـَكِهِ

المُتـَبَرا عَن قـُبُول ِ الخَرق ِ وَ الفـَسادِ

وَ الحَرَكَةِ المُسْتـَقِـيمَةِ

فِي شـَوق ِ مَعْشـُوقِهِ

القـُدسِي تـَعَالـَى



وَ مُنـَوِّرُكَ وَ مُدَبِّرُكَ وَ مُلـْهـِمُكَ

وَ يُفـَيِّضُ النـُّور َ

المُقـْتـَضِي الحَرْكَةِ الدَّائِمَةِ عَلـَيكَ

وَ مُبَوِّكَ فِي الفـَلـَكِ الثـَّانِي


اسألـُكَ تـَسْهـِيلَ الرَّشادِ

وَ أن تـَسْألَ عِلـَّتِكَ وَ مَعْشـُوقـَكَ

النـُّورَ القـَاهِرَ العَقـْلـَي

وَ العُقـُولَ المُفـَار ِقـَة َ الأنـْوَار

المُتـَعَالِيَة َ عَن عَلَائِق ِ المَوَادِ

أن يَسألـُوا سؤالا ً لائِقا ً بـِالعَالـَم ِ العَقـْلِي

المُنـَزَّهِ عَن التـَّغيير


اباهُم وَ مَبْدَأهُم

المَعلولَ اﻷوَّلَ اﻷشـَرَفَ عَقـْلَ الكـُلِّ

لِيَسْألَ هُوَ كـَذَلِكَ مُبْدِعَ الكـُلِّ

قـَيِّم جَمِيع ِ الماهِيَّاتِ

نـُورُ النـُّور ِ

وَاجِبَ الوُجُودِ

إلـَهَ العَالـَمِينَ

مُسَّـبِّبَ اﻷسْـبَابِ

أن يُنـَوِّرَ نـَفـْسِي

وَ يُقـَرِّبَنِي اليهِ

وَ يُكـَلـِّمَنِي

وَ يَصْر ِفَ عَنِي سُوءَ

الدُّنـْيَا وَ اﻵخِرَةِ


وَ يَنـْصُرَ أهل ِ النـُّور ِ وَ اﻹشـْراق ِ

وَ يُبار ِكَهُم وَ ايَانَا وَ يُقـَدِسَهُم وَ ايَانَا

الى اﻷبَد آمِين




To you holiness and praise

And upon you Allah's peace,

Great and virtuous master,

Generus father,

Fawran Sipihr,

Knower, maker, superior, speaker, most truthful,

Scribe of the heavens,

Informed in the world's states,

Lord of strangeness,

Master of secrets and astonishments,

Storer of precise sciences,

Flinging out far-journeying dhikr

To the lords of the planets in their natures,

Overflowing with keenness, cunning, and investigation.

Obeying his Creator,

Moving to the motion of his orbit,

Purged of acceptance

Of violation, corruption, and finite movement

In longing for his sacred beloved.

Exalted be your Creator, Illuminator,

Guider, Inspirer -

Flooding upon you the light that decrees

Everlasting movement -

He who housed you in the second heaven.


I ask you:

Make easy the way to integrity and reason

And ask your cause and beloved,

The conqering light of thought

- And the lights which departed outward,

Lights high beyond all connections of substances -

To ask a question worthy of the world of thought,

Free of change.

To ask their father and beginning,

The first and most noble caused thing of all,

Mind of all:


To ask thus the Creator of all,

Sustainer fo all essences,

Light of light and Necessity of existence,

God of the worlds,

Causer of causes,

To put light into my soul,

To make me close to Him and speak to me

And repel from me

The evil of this world and the next

And to grant victory to the people of light and

the illumination

And bless them and us

And sanctify them and us

unto eternity.
