Daily Prayer of Reverence to the Highest


وَارِدُ تَقْدِيسن ِ اﻷعلَى لِكُلِّ يَوْم


تَعالَيْتَ مَولانَا

مِنْكَ السَّلامُ وَ إلَيكَ السَّلامُ

وَاجِبُ الوُجُودِ مَعَ جَمِيعِ الوُجُهِ

ﻻ وَاجِبٌ فِي الوُجُودِ غَيرِكَ

وَ انْتَ إلَهُ إلآلِهَةِ

ﻻ إلَهَ لِلعَالَمِينَ سِوَاكَ


تَوَحَّدْتَ بِالمَجْدِ الارْفَع وَ السَّنَآ الاعْظَم

وَ الدَلاَّمُوتِ الاكْبَرِ وَ النُّورِ الاقْهَرِ

وَ الجَلالِ الاعلَى وَ الكَمَالِ الاتَم

وَ الجُودِ اﻷعَم

وَ الحَرَة اﻷبْسَط

وَ البَهآ الاشْرَفِ


وَ المَن الاكْمَل وَ الظِّيا اﻷطْهَرِ

وَ الكِبْرِيَأء اﻷقْوَى وَ الطُّولِ الافْضَل

وَ المُلْك اﻷوْسَع

وَ الجَمالَ اﻷبْرَى وَ اللِّقا اﻷكْرَم

وَ الجَبَرُوتِ المُقَدَّسِ

وَ المَلَكُوتِ الظَّاهِر


سُبحَانَكَ مُبْدِعُ الكُلِّ

أوَّلُ اﻷوَائلِ مَبْدأ المَبَادِئ

مُوجِدُ جَمِيع المَاهِياتِ مُظَهِرُ كُلِّ الهَوِيَّات

مُسَبِّبُ اﻷسْبَاب رَبُّ اﻷرْبَاب

فَعَّالُ العَجائب

وَ ما هُوَ أعجَبُ مِن العَجَائبِ

مُتْقِنُ اللَّطائفِ

وَ ما هُوَ ألطَفُ مِنَ اللَّطائفِ


إلَهُ العُقُولِ الفَعَّالَةِ الذَّوَاتِ

المُجَرَدَةِ عَنِ المَوادِ

وَ اﻷمْكِنَةِ وَ الجِهَاتِ

اﻷتِي تَعِي اﻷنْوَارَ القَاهِرَةَ

المُفَارِقَة مِن جَمِيعِ الوُجُوهِ

الكَامِلُونَ اﻷقْرَبُونَ


وَ إلَهُ النُّفُوسِ النَّاطِقَةِ

البَرِية عَن حَاءِلِ المَكَان

وَ اﻹنْطِبَاعِ فِي اﻷجْسَامِ

المُدَبَرَةِ الاجْرَام بِاﻹتْصَالِ وَ المُمَاسَةِ

المُسْتَفِيدَةَ مِن العالَمِ العَقْلِي

مِنكَ مَبْدَاهَا وَ إلَيكَ مُنْتَهَاهَا


وَ إلَهُ المَجْدِ الاعلَى سَمَاءَ السَّمَوَاتِ

مُنْتَهَى اﻹشَارَاتِ الجِسْمِيَّةِ

وَ جَمِيعُ اﻷجْسَام الشَّرِيفَةِ

الكَرِيمَةِ اﻹلَهِيَةِ الفَلَكِيَّةِ

مُمْتَنِعَةَ الخَرق ِ وَ الفَسَادِ

وَ أضْوَآهَا المُنِيرَةِ الرَّفِيعَةِ


وَ إلَهُ جَمِيعِ الصُّغَرِياتِ

بِابْسَطِهَا وَ مُرَكَبَاتِهَا

تَبَارَكْتَ اللَهُم

يَاحَي يَاقُيُّوم

يَاسَبُوح يَاقُدُُّوس


يَارَبَ المَلا

اﻷنْوَرِ اﻷعلَى

يَانُورَ النُّورِ

صَانِعُ السَّرْمَدِ وَ الدُّهُورِ

مِنكَ اﻷزَل

وَ مِنكَ اﻷبَد


وَ انْتَ مُوجِدُ كُلَّ مَا إتَصَفَ

بَعضَهِ او جُوهرهِ

او كُثْرَةٍ او وَحدَةٍ

او عِلـَّةٍ او مَعلولِيَّةٍ


وَ إلَيْكَ نِهَايَة ُ الرَّغَبَاتِ

غَرِقَت ذَوَاتِ المُقـَدّسِين ِ

فِي أبْحُرِ أنْوَارِكَ

رَأتـْكَ عُيُونُ القـْدْسِ

بِشُعاعِ ذَاتِكَ

الغاشِي المُغرِق

وَ مَارَاتـْكَ بِاحَاطَةٍ


وَ أنْتَ المُتـَعالي

بِجَمِيعِ اﻹثْبَاتِ

نُورَكَ الَّذي لايُباهَى

وَ لا يُقـْهَرُك شيئٌ مِنَ اﻷشَياءِ

وَ لا يَنفـَصِلُ عَنكَ شَئ


بِشَدَّةِ ظُهُورِكَ

وَ كَمَالِ نُورِيَتِكَ


لَيْسَ لِتَعْدِلَ

اﻷنْوَار القَاهِرِينَ


المُجَرَدِينَ عَنِ اﻷبَوَيْنِ وَ المَوَادِ

فـَلا ضِدَ

وَ لا مُمَانِعَ وَ لا زَوَالَ


وَ لافناء لا يَقدِر البشر ان يَحْمِدُوا أو يَمْدَحُوا

أقَلَهُم مَرتَبَةٍ علَى مَا يلبقُ بـِكـَمَالِهِ

فَكَيْفَ يُحْمَدُ وَ يُحْصَى شَيأً

علَى مَن غَرِقَ فِي نُورِ قَهْرِهِ

وَ انَطمَسَ فِي ضِيَا مَجدِهِ

أعظَمَ طَبَقَةٍ عَجِزَ الوَاصِفُونَ عَنْ وَصْفِ

أصْغَرِهَا مَرْتَبَةً


كَفَرَت بِمَن زَعَم

أن لـَكَ كَيفيَّةٍ أو كَمِيَّةٍ

أو ابناً أو وَضْعاً

أو حجماً أو عَرَضاً مِن الاعراضِ

أو وَصفاً مِن اﻷوصافِ

الاّ لِضرُورَةِ العِبادَةِ

وَ التَفْهِيمِ


أنتَ فَوقَ الفَضِيلة

وَ الشَّرَفِ وَ الكَمَالِ

أنتَ اللهُ

لا هُوَ إلا هُوَ

نُورُ اﻷنْوَار

المَحْمُودِ بِالسَّلَبِ لَبَيك

أشْتَاقَت الذَّوَاتِ الطَّاهِرَاتِ إلَيكَ

وَ جَضَعَت أرْقَابُ المَوجُودَات بَينَ يَدريكَ

وَ تَوَكَّلَتِ النُّفُوسُ الزَّاكِيَات عَلَيكَ


أنْتَ مَوﻷنَا

وَ تَكَلَّمُنِي بِمَعرِفَةِ أسْوَارِكَ الشَّرِيفَتِ

وَ أن تُأيِّدَني بِالنُّورِ

وَ تُحِييني بِالنُّورِ

وَ تَحْشُرْنِي بِالنُّورِ

وَ أسألُكَ الشَّوقَ إلَي لِقائكَ

وَ اﻹنغِماسِ فيِ تَأمُّلِ كِبرِيائك


أُنصُر اللَّهم أهْلِ النُّور وَ اﻹشْرَاقِ

وَ بَارِكُهُم وَ قَدَّسهُم وَ إيَّاناإلَي

اﻷبَد وَ إلَي دَهرِ الدَّاهِرِين



Be exalted, Lord.

From You peace and to You peace,

Necessity of existence with all its faces.

No necessity in this existence other than You.

Your are the God of gods

No god among these universes except for You.

You became one in highest glory and greatest radiance,

All-mighty godhead and all-conquering light,

Highest majesty and most complete perfection,

Generosity which excludes nothing and the vastest sanctuary,

Noblest splendor and the most perfect might,

Most manifest light and all-powerful pride,

Matchless force and limitless empire,.

Most innocent beauty and most gracious presence,

And the sacred realm of power

And the manifest realm of dominion..

Praise to You Creator of All,

First of firsts, Beginning of beginnings,

Origin of all essences and Manifester of all identities,

Causer of causes, Lord of lords,

Maker of wonders and what is more wonderful than wonders,

Master of subtleties and what is more subtle than subtleties,

Lord of the active minds,

The selves stripped of elements and places and directions,

Which are the overpowering lights departing

from the perfected faces closest to Him.

God of the speaking souls innocent of descent

Into place and time and the stamp of bodies,

Who guide stars and planets

Through touch and connection nourished

By the realm of thought.

From You its beginning and to You its end.

God of highest glory, Sky of skies,

Final Destination of embodied signs,

And all the noble, generous, divine celestial bodies,

Untouchable from violation or corruption

And their radiant lights on high.

God of all species in their compositions and elements.

Bless us, Oh Living One, Sustainer of All,

Praised One, Holy One.

Oh Lord of the Host,

Most Radiant, Most High,

Light of lights,

Fashioner of eternity and fates.

From You is eternity without beginning

And from You is eternity without end.

You are the origin of all described

By externality or essentiality,

By manyness or singularity,

By cause or contingency.

To You is the endpoint of all desires,

The selves of those who sanctify You drowned

In the oceans of Your lights.

The eyes of holiness saw the cloaking, overwhelming rays

Of Your Self,

And could not comprehend You.

Exalted among all proofs and indexes,

Your light has no limit

And You are never conquered

By any thing of things.

Nothing is separated from You.

You veiled Yourself in the violence of Your manifestation

And the perfection of Your radiance.

The all-conquering lights of godhead, stripped

Of parents and elements

Never stray from You.

There is no contrary, no resister,

No cessation, no extinction.

Those of humanity farthest from Him in rank

Cannpt praise or thank Him

With what suits His perfestion

- So how can those at the supreme hprizon

Who have already drowned in the radiance of His conquest

And been annihilated in the light of His glory?

All describers were incapable of describing

The smallest of it in rank.

You have renounced whoever claims

You have quality or quantity,

Location or positions,

Size or dimension among dimensions,

Description among descriptions,

Except out of necessity of worshiping You,

Or seeking to make others understand You.

You are above any virtue, nobility, or completion.

You are Allah

No him except for Him,

Light of lights,

Praised by negation.

Here am I, God, here am I.

The pure ones long for You,

The necks of all existent things fall in submission

Between Your hands,

The chaste souls place their fates in You alone.

Do not renounce me, then.

Speak to me of noble knowledge of Your secrets,

Aid me with light.

Give me life with light.

Cram me full with light.

I ask you to give me longing to meet You.

Submerge me in contemplation

Of Your pride and might.


Give victory, Oh Allah,

To the people of light and the Illumination.

Bless them and sanctify them and us

Unto eternity and the end of times.
