Thursday Prayer of Reverence to Jupiter


وَار ِدُ تـَقـْدِيس يَوْم الخَمِيس لِلمُشـْتـَر ِي


لَكَ التـَقـْدِيـسُ وَ السَّلامُ عَلَيكَ

وَ مِنـْكَ عَلَى النـُّفـُوس ِ الزَّكِيَّةِ

ايُّها السَّيِّدُ الشـَّر ِيفُ

هُرْمُز سِبْهـِر


عَظِيمَ الشـَّأن ِ

وَالِد البَرَكَاتِ وَاسِطـَةُ الخَيرَاتِ

كَبـِيرُ النـَّفـْس ِ اﻷبُ الرَّحِيم

الكَبـِير الكَر ِيم الظـَّافِر المُبارَكَ

السَّعدُ اﻷكبَرُ المُشْرِقُ الزَّاهِرُ

صاحِبُ العِلْم ِ وَ الحِكْمَةِ وَ العَدْل ِ وَ الفَضَائل ِ

وَ اﻷخلا َق ِ الجَمِيلـَةِ وَ مَكَار ِم ِ الشَّيَم ِ

وَ عظِيمُ الهـِمَّةِ وَ العِتابِ


المُطِيعُ لِمُبْدِعِه

المُتـَحَرِّكُ فِي شُوق ِ مَعْشُوقِهِ العَقـْلِي

بـِحَرَكَةِ فـَلـَكِهِ

المُعَافـَى عَن الخَرْق ِ وَ الكَون ِ وَ الفـَسادِ

وَ الحَرَكَةِ المُسْتَقِيمَةِ


سُبْحَانَ مُبْدِعُكَ وَ مُبْدِعُ الكـُلِّ

وَ مُنَوِّر ِ الكـُلِّ

وَ مُسعِدَكَ وَ مُحَرِّكـَكَ الاعلـَى

شَوقاً وَ عِشقاً

فانْبَعثَ مِن شَوقِكَ حَرَكَاتـُكَ

الدَائمَةِ النـَّافِعَةِ الرَّاسِخَة ُ لِلخَير ِ

وَ اﻹحْسَان ِ وَ السَّعاداتِ

وَ مُبَوَّكَ فِي الفَلَـَك ِ السَّادِس ِ

المَسْكَن ِ الرَّفِيع ِ

اسألكَ سَعادَة الدَّارَين


وَ اسألـُكَ ايُّها اﻷبُ السَّعِيدُ

المُفِيضُ العَدْل ِ

أن تَسْألَ ابَاكَ

وَ عِلتـَّكَ وَ مَعشُوقـَكَ

النـُّور القـَاهِرَ العَقلِيَ المُفـَار ِقَ

ذا الشَّوق ِ وَ البَسْطـَةِ

وَ جَمِيعَ العقول ِ المُفـَار ِقـَةِ


المُجَرَّدِينَ عَن دَنَس ِ الهـِيُولى

وَ عَلائِقِها

لِيسألوا سُؤالا ً يَلِيقُ بـِعَالـَم ِ السَّرْمَدِ

المُقـَدَّس ِ عَن التغيـيـر



وَ عِلـَّتـَهُم المَعلول ِ اﻷوَّل ِ

النـُّورَ اﻷقرَبَ عَقـْل ِ الكـُلِّ

لِيَسْألَ هُوَ كَذَلِكَ * الهَهُ

وَ الـَهَ اﻷلِهَةِ

إلـَهَ العالـَمِينَ

نـُورَ اﻷنوار ِ

مُدَبِّرَ كـُلِّ دَوَّار ِ

ذا السَّناءِ


وَ النـُّور ِ الاقـْهَر ِ

وَ الشَّرَفَ اﻷرْفـَعَ

مُبْدِعُ الكـُلِّ واهِب الحَياةِ

واجِبَ الوُجُودِ

عَظِيمٌ شَأنـُهُ


لِيحَعَلـَني مِن مُقـَرَبـِيهِ

وَ حَمَلـَةِ انوار ِه ِ

وَ عار ِفي اسْرَار ِه ِ وَ يَصْر ِفَ

عني آفاتِ النـَّفس ِ وَ البَدَنَ


وَ يَنـْصُرَ اهْل النـُّور ِ وَ اﻹشراق ِ

وَ يُبَار ِكـَهُم وَ إيَّانا

وَ يُقـَدِّسَهُم وَ إيَّانا

الـَى الدَّهْر ِ الدَّاهِرينَ






To you Holiness,

Peace to you and from you

Upon the chaste souls,

Oh noble lord

Hurmuz Sipihr,

Supreme of consequence, parent of blessings,

Conduit of good deeds, great of spirit,

Merciful father,

Vast, generous, triumphant, blessed,

Greatest good fortune, brilliant and radiant.

Master of knowledge, wisdom and justice,

Virtues, beautiful conduct, and noble traits,

Mighty of ambition and chastisement,

Obeying his Creator,

Moving in longing for his beloved of pure thought

to the motion of his orbit,

Shunning violation, being, corruption,

And finite movement.

Glory be to your Creator, creator of all,

Your Shaper and Illuminator, Illuminator of all,

Source of your happiness and your Highest Mover

Through longing and passion -

For from your longing your movements came forth,

Everlasting, beneficial, and deep-rooted

With goodness, virtue, and happiness -

He who made your home in the sixth heaven,

The high dwelling.

I ask you for the happiness of the two abodes

And I ask you,

Happy father pouring out justice,

To ask your father, your cause and beloved,

The conquering light, the mind that departs outward,

That self of longing and expansion

- And all the minds that depart beyond

That are close to Him,

Stripped of the stain of primordial matter

And its entaglements -

To ask a question worthy of the world of eternity,

Sanctified from change,

To their father and cause,

The first caused thing of all,

The light closest to Him,

Mind of all,


To ask Him thus:

His God and the God of gods,

God of the universes,

Light of lights,

Regulator of every rotating thing,

The Self of most stunning radiance,

All-Conquering Light and the Highest Nobility,

Creator of all, Bestower of life,

Necessity of existence,

Supreme of rank,

to make me one of those close to Him,

And the carriers of His lights,

The knowers of His secrets

And turn calamities of spirit and body away from me

And give aid to the people of light and the illumination

And bless them and us

And sanctify them and us

until the end of ends.
