Saturday Prayer of Reverence to Saturn


وَار ِد تَقـْدِيس ِ يَوم ِ السَّبْتِ لِزُحل


لَـَكَ التـَّحِبيَّة ُ وَ التـَّقدِيسُ

وَ عَلـَيكَ سَلامُ اللـَهِ

أيَّها السَّيِّدُ الحَكِيمُ الفَاضِلُ الغَالِبُ

المُطِـيعُ لِمُبْدِعِهِ المَتَحَرَّكُ

فِي شُوق ِ مَعْشُوقِهِ القـُدسِي بـِحَرَكَةِ فـَلـَكِهِ

المُتـَعالي عَن قـُبُول الخَرق ِ وَ الكَون ِ وَ الفـَسَادِ

وَ الحَرَكَةِ المُسْـتَـقِـيمَةِ

انتَ كَيان سِبهـِر


عالي المَحَلِّ

وَ الشَّأن ِ عَظيمُ المَكان ِ

وَ القـَدْر ِ غاير ِ الفِكـْر ِ

بَعـِيد المَراق ِ جَليلُ الهـِمَّةِ

صاحِبُ التـَّمْكين وَ التـَّوحيد

وَ الشَّـباتِ وَ اﻷفـْكَار ِ العَمـِيقـَةِ

وَ الامُور ِ الهائِلـَةِ العَظيمَةِ المُتـَطاوِلـَةِ

وَ لـَكَ القـَهْرُ وَ المَهَابَة ُ


كـُلُّ مَن أبْدَعَكَ وَ ابدَعَ الكـُلَّ

وَ نُورُكَ وَ نُور الكـُلَّ

وَ القـَى عَلـَيكَ مِن اﻷشواق ِ اﻹلهيةِ

ما يَنْبَعِثُ عنهُ حَرَكاتـُكَ الدَائِمَة ُ

وَ بَواكَ فِي المَنْظـَر ِ اﻷعلـَى الفـَلـَكِ السابـِع ِ


اسألـُكَ أيُّها اﻷبُ الكـَرِيمُ

ان تـَسْأل بضيا نَفـْسِكَ

عِلـَتـَكَ وَ معشوقـَكَ

الَّذي مَهّدَكَ بـِالنُّور

وَ جَمِيع المُفارقاتِ اﻷنْوَار

الزَّاهِرَةِ العَقـْلِيَةِ

لِيَسألوا اباهُم

عَقـْلَ الكـُلِّ

المَعَلـُولَ الاوَّلَ الاشْرَفَ

سُوالا ً لائِقـًا بـِالعالَم ِ العَقـْلِي

المنَّزَهِ عن التَغيير ِ وَ التـَجَدُّدِ


لِيَسْألَ هُوَ هَكـَذ َى

إلَـَهَهُ الـَهَ اﻵلِهَةِ

إلـَهَ العَالـَمِين

رَبَّ اﻷرباب

مُحَرِّكَ الكـُلِّ قـَيَّام

الوُجُودِ وَاهِبَ

العَقـْل ِ وَ الحَياةِ

وَاجِبَ الوُجُودِ


لِيَجْعَلـَني مِن

المُشْتـَاقِينَ الـَيهِ

وَ يَرزُقـَنِي الانوارَ وَ الفضلَ

وَ العَلـُومَ اﻹلـَهـِية َ

وَ يَصرِفَ عَنِّي آفاتِ النَّفس ِ وَ البَدَن ِ


وَ يَنْصُرَ أهْلَ النُّور ِ

وَ يُبارِكـَهُم وَ يُقـَدِسَهُم وَ إيَّانا

إلـَى الدَّهْر ِ وَ اﻷبَدِ آمِين


Greetings to you and reverence

And Allah's peace upon, you,

Wise, superior, dominating lord,

Obeying his Creator,

Moving in longing for his sacred beloved

To the motion of his orbit,

High beyond acceptance

Of violation, being, corruption

And finite movement.

You are Kayan Sipihr

Of high position and affair,

Supreme place and power,

Tunneling intellect, far heights

And glorious aaspiration.

Master of empoerment, unification, and firmness,

Deep thoughts

And vast, far-reaching, terrifying affairs.

Conquest and stunned reverence belong to you.

Majestic be He who created you and created all,

Gave light to you and gave light to all,

Hurled divine longings upon you,

From which your unending movements emanate

And made your home in the highest watchpost,

The Seventh heaven.

I ask you, generous father,

To ask with the light of your spirit,

Your decreer, your cause and beloved,

The mind which cradled you in light -

And all those that depart beyond, the radiant lights of intellect -

To ask their father, mind of all, the first and most noble caused thing,

A question worthy of the world of thought,

Free of change or renewal,


To ask Him thus:

His God,

The God of gods,

God of the universes,

Lord of lords,

Mover of all,

Rising Up of being,

Bestower of thought and life,

Necessity of existence,

To make me one of those who long for Him,

To nourish me with lights, reason, and the divine sciences,

Turn calamities of the spirit and body away from me

And give triumpf to the people of light

And bless them

And sanctify them and us

until the end of ages and eternity.
