Friday Prayer of Reverence to Venus


وَار ِدُ تـَقـْدِيس ِ يَوم ِ الجُمْعَةِ للز َّهْرَةِ


لـَكِ التـَقـْدِيسُ وَ الثـَنـَاءُ

وَ عَلـَيْكَ السَّلامُ

أيـَّتـُها السَّيِّدَة ُ الشـَّريفـَة ُ العالِمَة ُ العَامِلة

أورمان أسبهر


المُشْرَقـَة ُ السَّعِيدَة ُ الكَر ِيمَة ُ

الصَبيحَة ذات ُ الضـَوءِ المَعْشـَوق ِ

وَ البَر ِيق ِ المَحْبُوب ِ وَ اللـُّطـْفِ

وَ الزِّيـَنةِ وَ البَهْجَةِ وَ الجَمال ِ

وَ العِطـْر وَ الاِعتِدال

وَ المَحَبَةِ وَ البَرَكَةِ


المُطيعَة ُ لِمُبْدِعِها المُتـَحَرَّكَة ُ

فِي شـَوق ِ مَعْشـُوقِها القـُدسِي

المُفـَار ِق ِ بـِحَرَكَةِ فـَلـَكِها

البَريئَةِ * عَن قـُبُول ِ الخَرْقـَةِ

وَ اﻵفـَةِ وَ الحَرْكَةِ


وَ مُنـَوِّرُك ِ وَ مُدَبِّرُكَ

الاعلـَى شـَوقـًا وَ عِشـْقـًا

فانبعثَ من الشـَّوق ِ

حَركاتـُك ِ المُتناسِبَةِ الخَيريَّةِ

وَ مُبَوِّئُك ِ فِي الفـَلـَك ِ الثـَّالِثِ


اسألـُك ِ سَعادَة َ الدَّارين ِ

وَ أن تـَسألي أباك ِ وَ عِلـَّتـَك ِ

العَقـْلِي المُجَرَدَ

أن يَسألَ اباهُ وَ عِلـَّتـَهُ **

المَعلول اﻷوَّل

الافـْضَل عَقلُ الكُل ِّ

سُؤَالاً لائِقـًا بـِعالـَم ِ السَّرْمَدِ

المُنـَز َّهِ عَن ِ الحوادِثِ وَ التغييرُ


لِيسْألَ المُبْدِأ اﻷوَّلَ واجِبَ الوُجُودِ

إلـَهَ اﻵلِهَةِ قـَيِّمَ الكُل ِّ

ذاتَ الذ َّواتِ

أن يُنـَوِّرَ نـَفـْسِي

وَ يُسَهِّلَ امري

وَ يُقـَرِّبني لـَدَيهِ


وَ يَنصُرَ أهْلَ النـُّور ِ وَ اﻹشراق ِ

وَ يُبار ِكَهم وَ إيانا وَ يُقَدِّسَهُم وَ ايانا

إلـَى دَهْر ِ الدَّاهِر ِين

أن يَسألوا اباهم وَ عِلـَّتـَهم 


To you reverence and praise

And upon you peace,

Noble, knowing, active mistress,

Arwman Sipihr,

Radiant, serene, generous, made of dawn,

Essence of light longed for with passion

And glimmering sought with love,

Of subtlety and ornament, resplendence and beauty,

Fragrance and moderation,

Love and benediction.

Obeying her Creator, Moving in longing for her sacred beloved who departs beyond

To the motion of her orbit, innocent

Of all acceptance of clumsiness, calamity

And finite movement,

And your Illuminator, Regulator, and Highest Mover,

Through love and the heat of passion,

- For your motions, goodly and proportionate

Emanated from that longing –

He who housed you in the third heaven.


I ask you for the happiness of the two abodes

And to ask your father and cause of pure intellect,

Stripped of body,

To ask the father and caused thing of all,

Mind of all,

A question worthy of the world of eternity,

Free of events and change,

To ask the First Beginning,

Necessity of existence,

God of gods,

Sustainer of all,

Essence of essences,

To light up my soul,

Ease my affair

And bring me close to His presence,

And grant triumph to the people of light and the illumination

And bless them and us

Until the end of ages.
