Monday Prayer of Reverence to the Moon


وَار ِدُ تـَقـْدِيس ِ يَوْم ِ اﻹثـْنـَين ِ لِلـْقـَمَر ِ


لـَكَ المَحَبَّة ُ وَ عَلـَيْكَ سَلا َمُ اللهِ

أيُّها السَّيٍِِّدُ الكَبـِيرُ سِنـْكهَار سـِبْـِهر

الكَر ِيم العَالِمُ الفـَاضِل الجَمِيلُ

وَز ِيرُ هُورَخْش وَ خَلِيفـَتـُهُ

وَاهِبُ اﻷصْبَاغ ِ

فـَار ِسُ الفـَلـَكِ

صَاحِبُ السِّيَادَةِ العَلو ِيَةِ

مِفـْتـَاحُ السَّمَوَات ِ


مُسَرَّعُ اﻷمْر ِ

مُمِدُ الجَو على المَاءِ الرُّطـُوبَاتِ

وَالِى الكـَون وَ الفـَسَادِ

المُطِيعُ لِمُبْدِعِهِ المُتـَحَرِّكُ

بـِحَرَكَةِ فـَلـَكِهِ

البَر ِيُ عن اﻻفـَاتِ وَ الحَرْق ِ

فِي شـَوق ِ مَعْشـُوقـِهِ العَقـْلِي


سُبْحَان َ مُبْدِعَكَ

وَ مُنـَوِّرَكَ وَ مُصَوَّر ِكَ

وَ مُفـَيضُ النـُّور

المُقـْتـَضِي الحَرْكَةِ الدَائِمَة عَلـَيكَ

وَ مُمْلِيكَ فِي الفـَلـَكِ اﻷوَل ِ


اسألـُكَ تـَسْهـِيل ِ الخـَير ِ

وَ أن تـَسأل ِ اباكَ وَ عِلـَتِكَ العَقـْلِي

وَ مَعْشـُوقـُكَ

وَ جَمِيعُ العُقـُول ِ

الفـَاعِلـَة اﻷنـْوَار ِ القـَاهِرَةِ المُجَرَد عَن المَوَادِ

لِيَسْألوا السُّؤَالَ

الـَى أين بـِعَالـَم ِ المُنـَز َهِ عَن الحَوَادِثِ وَ العَثـَرَاتِ

مَبْدَا ُ عِلم المَعلول ِ

الاول النـُّور ِ اﻷقـْرَبُ

عَقـْلُ الكـُلِّ


ان يَسْألَ الـَهَهُ

وَ إلـَهَ اﻵلِهَةِ إلـَهُ العَالـَمِين َ

نـَاظِمُ طـَبَقـَاتِ الوُجُودِ

فـَعَّالُ المَهَمَّاتِ بـِأجْمَعِها

صاحبُ الطـَول ِ وَ البَهَا

واجـِبُ الوُجُودِ

ان يُأيِّدَنِي بـِنـُور ِهِ

وَ يُقـَدِسنِي لـَدَيهِ

وَ يَصْر ِفَ عَنى الافـَات َ النـَفـْسَانِيَة َ وَ البَدَنِيَة َ وَ يَنـْصُرَ


أهْلَ النُّور ِ وَ اﻹشراق ِ

وَ يُقـَدِّسَهُم وَ يُبار ِكهمُ وَ إيَّانا إلىَ الابَد



To you love and upon you Allah's peace,

Great lord Sinkhar Sipihr,

Generous, knowing, virtuous, beautiful,

Minister and Caliph of Hurakhsh,

Bestower of colors, horseman of the cosmos,

Master of lords of the higher realms,

Key of the skies.

Speeder of affairs, sustainer

Of the humidities' watery essence,


Of being and corruption.

Obeyer of his Creator,

Moving to the motion of his orbit,

Innocent of calamities and violation,

In longing for his beloved of pure thought.

All praise to your Creator,

Your Lighter, your Shaper,

Flooding upon you the light

That decrees your eternal motion -

He who imposed you in the first heaven.


I ask you:

Ease the way to goodness

And ask your father,

Your cause and beloved of pure thought

- And all the active minds,

The conqering lights stripped of elements -

To ask the question worthy of the world

Of what is free from events and changes

To their beginning, the first caused thing of all,

The light closest to Him, mind of all:


To ask his God, the God of gods,

God of the universe, Arrayer

Of the layers of being,

Masterful Doer of great affairs in their entire sum,

Master of all power and splendor,

Necessity of existence,

To aid me with His light,

Sanctify me in His presence,

Turn spiritual and physical afflictions away from me

And give triumpf to the people of light and

the illumination

And sanctify them and bless them

And us

Unto eternity.
